Checking ======== Once permissions have been granted to objects you want to check these permissions in your views and templates. Bop provides several mechanisms to do that. * :ref:`ObjectBackend` * :ref:`Decorator` * :ref:`TemplateTag` * :ref:`ObjectPermissionManager` * :ref:`UserObjectManager` * :ref:`has_model_perms` .. _ObjectBackend: ObjectBackend ------------- Provided you installed bop per the :doc:`instructions` you can use the standard django method of checking for permissions in your views:: testuser.has_perm('myapp.delete_mymodel', myobject) testuser.get_all_permissions(myobject) testuser.get_group_permissions(myobject) .. _Decorator: Decorator --------- The :py:obj:`user_has_object_level_perm` decorator checks wether a user has permission to access an object:: :py:obj:`user_has_object_level_perm`(perm, model, pkfield='pk', login_url=None, redirect_field_name=REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME) The :py:obj:`pkfield` is expected to be passed to the view as a keyword argument. The object will be obtained by doing:: Model.objects.get(**{pkfield:kwargs[pkfield]}) An example will perhaps better illustrate:: # In ... (r'^articles/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(?P\d+)/$', 'news.views.article_detail'), ... # In from bop.decorators import user_has_object_level_perm from news.models import Article @user_has_object_level_perm('news.view_article', Article, pkfield='article_id') def view article_detail(year, month, article_id): pass Note that the :py:obj:`pkfield` must be using `named groups` so the decorator can actually find the keyword argument in \*\*kwargs. .. _TemplateTag: TemplateTag ----------- Bop borrowed code from django-authority to provide a templatetag :py:obj:`ifhasperm`:: {% load permissions %} {% ifhasperm PERMISSION_LABEL USER OBJ %} lalala {% else %} meh {% endifhasperm %} {% ifhasperm "change_poll" request.user poll %} lalala {% else %} meh {% endifhasperm %} .. _ObjectPermissionManager: ObjectPermissionManager ----------------------- The objectpermissionmanager has three methods to query the ObjectPermissions granted to users: * :py:obj:`get_for_model(model)` returns all ObjectPermissions for the given model * :py:obj:`get_for_user(user)` returns all ObjectPermissions for the given user * :py:obj:`get_for_model_and_user(model, user)` returns all ObjectPermissions for the given model and user .. _UserObjectManager: UserObjectManager ----------------- The UserObjectManager can be added to any Model and it will work like the default manager with one extra method: * :py:obj:`get_user_objects(user, permissions=None, check_model_perms=False)` Will only return objects the given user has permissions on and optionally filter for specific permissions. You can use the manager on any model:: from bop.managers import UserObjectManager class MyModel(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) ... objects = UserObjectManager() And it will work like the normal manager but rather than getting all objects and checking the permissions in the template you can filter the objects this user has permissions for:: # This will return all objects for which a permission has been # granted to testuser MyModel.objects.get_for_user(testuser) # This will return all objects for which a *specific* permission has # been granted to testuser MyModel.objects.get_for_user(testuser, permissions=['myapp.can_view']) When both model- and objectpermission have been granted the manager will, by default, only check the objectpermissions. You can override that by setting the check_model_perms to :py:obj:`True`. .. _has_model_perms: has_model_perms --------------- It is possible that some permission was granted to one model in a module but not to another model in the same application. When :py:obj:`get_for_user` is called with :py:obj:`check_model_perms=True` bop checks the permissions for the *model*, not the *module* by calling :py:obj:`bop.api.has_model_perms(user, model)`.